taking finasteride while on trt

Is it a good idea to take Finasteride while on TRT? Today we're going to discuss Option 3. Luckily cessation is not the only option for reducing hair loss during TRT. In men who are on TRT and are showing signs of hair loss, the use of finasteride (Propecia) can slow and mitigate male patter. Main Menu. If you're not, or had some issues down the line, it could mean everything. When undergoing testosterone replacement therapy, testosterone levels are elevated which can lead to more conversion of testosterone into DHT. gtron January 21, 2017, 12:30am #1. #1. Having low-t can cause low libido, ED, low ejaculate volume, and reduced sensitivity. I do use 1 mg of Finasteride daily, and have successfully stopped hair-loss. Hello. that being said, i've just started taking finasteride a couple weeks ago. I've read it is just as effective due to the half life in the hair follicle. How to prevent hair loss on testosterone therapy? However recently I discovered that I had low total testosterone in the 300 range. Testicular Atrophy Testicular atrophy is the condition in which the testicles experience a diminished level of function. However, before going one way or the other, I wondered what experiences people have while on cycle or on TRT and adding Finasteride. Use Propecia and the Rogaine 5% topical foam together. Finasteride, also known as Propecia, is a prescription medication that's been shown to effectively reverse hair loss. Took Finasteride while on TRT awor May 25, 2018, 5:49am #1 Hello I was on TRT since 7 years (primary hypogonadism). While yes, finasteride is great for decreasing dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels and ostensibly reducing male-pattern baldness (MPB), many anti-aging physicians in the field are shying away from its use in this regard. As the patient was on testosterone replacement, treatment with finasteride was thought to be counter-intuitive, as it would block the effects of the testosterone replacement. To summarize, the three most commonly reported Propecia side effects are lowered libido, erectile dysfunction, and ejaculatory disorders. Human Resources for the University of Oklahoma. Finasteride, also known as Propecia, is a prescription medication that's been shown to effectively reverse hair loss. Thanks to a drug known as finasteride, the rate of DHT production can be slowed and allow men to decrease the chance of hair loss. Lose weight - You can lower your estrogen while increasing your testosterone levels by losing weight. The National Library of Medicine (NLM), on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland, is the world's largest biomedical library and the developer of electronic information services that delivers data to millions of scientists, health professionals and members of the public around the globe, every day. I've thought about just shaving it all off or even getting hair transplant. I tried propecia a few years ago but did suffer from mild side effects and stopped which I think was a bad idea. I take 1mg daily of Finasteride. 2. It will by definition affect your body's ability to regulate itself in regards to stress, however. However, apparently I am one of the few who get bad dark scarring acne while on TRT. taking finasteride while on trt. The hormone that is produced is often converted to other hormones that act much like estrogen. Testosterone. I have also read that Propecia can have some pretty bad side effects when used long term. The National Library of Medicine (NLM), on the NIH campus in Bethesda, Maryland, is the world's largest biomedical library and the developer of electronic information services that delivers data to millions of scientists, health professionals and members of the public around the globe, every day. 50. The use of 5ARi (dutasteride/finasteride) to treat AA/BPH can produce an increase in the incidence of sexual dysfunction, namely, impotence, decreased libido, and ejaculation disorder. Enlarged Breasts In some cases, finasteride causes changes to breast tissue during the time a man is taking the medication. As a result I got on finasteride after some research and in an attempt to reduce side effects I only take finasteride 1mg three times a week. Watch This Next: "Will TRT cause Hair Loss?" https://y. Serving Faculty and Staff in Norman, Oklahoma City, and Tulsa campuses. Provided that I have a low testosterone level, and I should start in testosterone therapy, then I have 2 questions: 1. 7m. Do any of you have any experience in . Oct 10, 2015. Currently I do 120mg testosterone weekly (divided into two 60mg doses) and 1mg arimidex weekly (divided into two 0.5mg doses). Had previous gyno surgically removed last fall. Finasteride while on TRT and during blast My hair has been thinning out over the last two years. Solutions. I'll never take it again. Dr Eric Serrano explains why you should never take finasteride on TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy). Finasteride is popular for hair loss, but it has ma. Testosterone can be very harsh on the hair follicle IF a 5 alpha reductase in NOT in place. You don't want to convert too much Testosterone to Estrogen and you don't want to convert too much . BPH can also cause ED issues let alone reduced ejaculate volume. You don't want to convert too much Testosterone to Estrogen and you don't want to convert too much Testosterone to DHT. Finasteride while on TRT has become a little of a controversial topic. It does this by preventing the conversion of Testosterone to DHT in the body. The primary hormone for male characteristic development, including body hair and muscular development, made in the testes or synthetically createed in a lab. Finasteride is popular for hair loss, but it has ma. Took Finasteride while on TRT. Conclusion: Finasteride blocks the actions of 5--dihydrotestosterone that mainly has actions on the prostate and hair loss. trt and finasteride. From what I read, the guys that get side effects are commonly already suffering from low testosterone and/or are on a higher dosage of Finasteride that the usual 1mg per day. Basically raises my test levels to optimal and keeps them there/steady. Hi friends, I have recently quit finasteride since I eventually experienced some sides. Spironolactone is a drug that has been in the market for more than thirty years. Heavy Alcohol Use Increases Risk for Prostate Cancer, Negates Benefit of Finasteride. Conclusion: Finasteride blocks the actions of 5--dihydrotestosterone that mainly has actions on the prostate and hair loss. Boosting Libido, Increasing Semen Volume, and Improving Erectile Function. The reason? Luckily cessation is not the only option for reducing hair loss . Finasteride while on TRT has become a little of a controversial topic. Fin really took down my sex drive. Jun 19, 2011. I know that elevated DHT while on TRT can cause hair loss and that the most effective way to prevent DHT conversion is to use Propecia. Parts; Kits; Hoses; Seals; finasteride on trt reddit Testosterone is the dominant sex hormone in males; however, taking the medication finasteride can bring on gynecomastia by increasing estrogen levels. Watch This Next: "Will TRT cause Hair Loss?" https://y. Is it a good idea to take Finasteride while on TRT? Answer (1 of 3): While men on testosterone replacement therapy may accelerate androgenic alopecia, testosterone use has been shown to increase facial and body hair growth. Finasteride while on TRT Questions. Posts. I've been on TRT for ten years and have a full head of hair. Now I will go to the doctor on Monday and ask for get my testosterone level tested. Gynecomastia affects older men in particular as the production of testosterone falls with age. TRT = Testosterone Restoration Therapy - I was diagnosed with low testosterone, so I take an injection of 200 mg's per week of Testosterone Cypionate (a steroid). I was forced to switch to Testogel for health insurance . I recently asked my doc about this and he . Something that's been suggested to me is to get on TRT to help with the ed issues and then finasteride will take care of the dht that is 5 alpha reduced from the increased testosterone. HGC = Human Chorionic Gonadotropin - Another aspect of the TRT treatment, acts as Leutenizing Hormone . Initially created to treat hypertension, it has also recently gained popularity to treat hair and skin issues caused by excess androgens in the body. I would recommend working with someone who is extremely knowledgeable on both matters. Had previous gyno surgically removed last fall. It does this by preventing the conversion of Testosterone to DHT in the body. If you're already okay on that front, it might mean nothing. Thanks for any insights! The simplest solution would be to cease TRT, but in most cases, men still want to have the benefits that TRT has to offer. it should take a couple months before you stop shedding so be patient. I believe that the degree and number of side effects would be less with a person on TRT vs not on TRT . Home; Repair Service; Parts & Seals Menu Toggle. Very mild hairloss at the temples. My question is this: Has anyone had success using a topical like Rogaine while on TRT, even though DHT . #1. While yes, finasteride is great for decreasing dihydrotestosterone (DHT) levels and ostensibly reducing male-pattern baldness (MPB), many anti-aging physicians in the field are shying away from its use in this regard. How to prevent hair loss on testosterone therapy? If you're already on TRT, most guys seem to be fine on finasteride, or report that they are. Started loosing a lot of hair after switching from injections (Testoviron, 250ml every two weeks) to Testogel 50ml (daily). #1. Therefore, testosterone replacement can be safely prescribed alongside finasteride in patients with low testosterone (predominantly for general well being and bone strength) and benign prostatic hypertrophy. To add some more detail here, my testosterone was 326.0 ng/dL (American Urological Association sets the cut off for normal at 300 ng/dL) and DHT was 30 ng/dL . 3. In men who are on TRT and are showing signs of hair loss, the use of finasteride (Propecia) can slow and mitigate male pattern baldness. July 15, 2009 Heavy consumption of alcohol appears to increase the risk for prostate cancer. Thread starter nealerers; Start date May 6, 2018 . I used a very small dose, something along the lines of .25mg every 3rd day or something. Share on Social Media: . T Replacement. I was in my early 30s. Jul 31, 2018. I could actually see a physical difference in the size of my penis. Worse than that, the symptoms continued for a few months after I quit the stuff. awor May 25, 2018, 5:49am #1. I was on TRT since 7 years (primary hypogonadism). Hi family, I recently started testosterone replacement therapy and wanted to start propecia. Started loosing a lot of hair after switching from injections (Testoviron, 250ml every two weeks) to Testogel 50ml (daily). Get your MD to prescribe Proscar in 5 mg tabs. I took finasteride for 15 days while on TRT. If you are inclined to MPB, a higher level of DHT from the conversion of your supplemented test will accelerate the MPB. Posted February 26, 2021. Dr Eric Serrano explains why you should never take finasteride on TRT (Testosterone Replacement Therapy). It is, for example, used to treat hirsutism or excess body hair in women. Finasteride, a medication commonly used to treat enlarged prostate or male pattern baldness can cause several unwanted side effects, especially when testosterone levels are affected 2. Your insurance will cover the Proscar but not the Propecia.

taking finasteride while on trt