can a dofe leader be an assessor and supervisor

Having said that a DofE assessor should also hold the outdoor qualifications or experience appropriate to the environment that the group is going on expedition. Their official role is to monitor the team's progress through the expedition, popping in and out of their expedition and making sure that they adhere to the Expedition 20 Conditions. With new subjects released each month, U:Bee Online helps you achieve your DofE. Rhianna Gogerly - Leader UKAT. Where can I find more information? If you become a Co-ordinator, you'll support your Leaders and oversee all groups. The Expedition section of your award is a bit different. An Assessor can be anyone who is interested in helping you to achieve, has some knowledge of the activity you are doing and can be available over the time you're doing it. Photo of a hand-written report Help participants set SMART goals In reality, a good expedition assessor will also play the role of advisor as they encourage the teams they are assessing progress towards success. All Licensed Organisations/AAPs can use the ESTC to train staff to the standards of the Modular Training Framework. 2. First things first, it's important to understand the different terms used by DofE, because it can get a bit confusing. your DofE leader should spend time with you discussing your sectional accomplishments and helping you think and identify the skills you have learned. To upload an Assessor's Report card to eDofE, you can simply take of photo of the card and upload it using via the Photos button under the Add evidence tab, as shown in the screenshot below. Mr T Bagnall - DofE Leader, Bronze, Silver . My personal favourite was investigating the contents of a heavier than normal rucksack at the top of Snowdon, only to discover the participant . 2. Assessment - your final assessment will be from your Assessor and the person who saw your presentation. . To take part in the award you have to be aged 14 - 24, to able to. 2. - Knowledge of Licensed Organisation procedures. It probably could be, but you'd need to talk to your DofE assessor to see what they're actually . Miss Goosey - Leader UKAT. and signed by your DofE Leader/Supervisor. Also, make sure tick the box at the bottom to confirm that it's the Assessor's Report. The nomination form will be directed to the VPFSS office electronically. A County Duke of Edinburgh Award A dviser supports The Scouts, a Licensed Organisation, to deliver the award locally. Assessor Accreditation Process. Mrs Lynch - DofE Manager CG. To become an accredited Expedition Assessor and Supervisor, you need to: Complete the e-induction and Expedition introduction online training Attend an Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Training Course (EASTC) - these are run by the Scouts and the DofE regularly. We ask . How do I get my Award? Therefore, they cannot be a member of your family. 11 were here. Leaders in Northern Ireland can also find additional support on NI DofE Leaders page. All qualifying expeditions are required to be assessed. You can add other evidence but you CANNOT achieve your Award unless you have an Assessor's Report for each section on eDofE. During the winter months, you could help DofE groups out with occasional or regular training . Then, it's highly recommended that you book onto an 'Introduction to the DofE' course, which should give you all the information you need to be a DofE Leader. You can give this in a variety of ways - from a PowerPoint to a drama sketch, an exhibtion or an online blog - it's up to you. The EASTC combines the Expedition Assessor Accreditation Scheme (EAAS) course and Expedition Supervisor Training Course (ESTC) into one course. The Expedition section of your award is a bit different. For example if a group is going on expedition over 600m then their assessor should obtain the summer mountain leader. Your expedition will need to be assessed by a DofE Expedition Assessor. DofE Managers are appointed by their LO to a position of trust. You leader can give you a document called "Adding Assessor Reports" which will show your assessor how to add an assessor online using the eDofE system. If the Assessor completes this Assessor's Report card, when they return it to you completed and signed, scan or photograph it and upload it to eDofE, marking it as an 'Assessor's Report'. All qualifying expeditions are required to be assessed. You are here: Home / Duke of Edinburgh Award. DofE Managers are appointed by their LO to a position of trust. They may also be qualified to assess across multiple activities and/or sections. The Assessor's Report can either be recorded online via or through eDofE, or by using the Assessor Report cards in the participant's Welcome Pack. Then when you have completed your section, ask them to write you a report either on your assessor cards that come with your welcome pack or on the online assessor portal. Check visual routes and route cards - brief teams on safety points. DofE Assessors Assessors check on a young person's progress and agree the completion of a section of their programme. Expeditions Makes sure you include: 1. You'll need to: 1. it will be sent to your DofE Leader to approve. Take a look at this information on the DofE website about choosing assessors for your Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Residential sections. Click the 'Register' link. What evidence do I need to show I have completed a Section? The DofE Manager has overall responsibility for the delivery of the Award by a . The Assessor is responsible for the group's safety while on the journey. admin, help run one section or give specific training. The award can be achieved at three different levels: bronze, silver or gold. The delegate will be registered to your LO for another 5 years but will need to become accredited before they can start assessing. First, complete the 'E-introduction training course' - an online training module. If you are both the Trainee Assessor and DofE/AAP Manager, you can complete this approval step for yourself. County/area Duke of Edinburgh's Award Adviser. Rina Rana Follow. Mobile: 07989 504203. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award is a Registered Charity No: 1072490, and in Scotland No: SC038254, and a Royal Charter Corporation NO: RC00806 Assessor Reports Frequently Asked Questions In what scenarios can I, as a Leader or DofE Manager, add an Assessor's report for a participant of the notification form ('Green Form') per team . 9. You have access to the FREE eDofE Mapping system to create expedition maps! Assessors check on a young person's progress and agree the completion of a section of their programme. Should . Adults who can spare some time to help our DofE Leaders run a group can be a volunteer. Notification Number (Gold Only) 2. We ensure those staff are experienced in planning and delivering high standards of DofE training as well as holding a comprehensive understanding of the requirements of the Expedition Supervisor and Assessor and . The role of an Assessor is to check that the group has met the 20 conditions of the Expedition section. Assessor's first name: Last name: Assessor's position/qualification: aRS/ Assessor's phone number: 01 0 i 2 g 4-S Assessor's email: @ Co-no Participants should scan or photograph this page and upload to eDofE as evidence. The following refunds will apply to cancellation s unless otherwise stated on the form: Cancellation more than one month before the course date DofE doesn't state whether a friend can be an assessor, but the implication is that they can as long as they meet the following criteria.DofE says that your assessor must be "interested in helping you to achieve [your award], has some knowledge of the activity you are doing and can be available over the time you're doing it". Mr Wyatt - Parent/Carer Volunteer UKAT. 4. Our Leaders are responsible for a DofE group. Part of the learning process for DofE is learning how to pack light and share the load, but I've seen hair straighteners, microwave ready meals and an entire 40 bag multipack of crisps for a day walk. Mrs Backshell - Administrator UKAT. What is my eDofE password? Confirm that that you have carried out safeguarding, legal and competency checks and click 'Continue'. dofe application form example. It is an excellent addition to your cadet life. 10. Take a look at this information on the DofE website about choosing assessors for your Volunteering, Physical, Skills and Residential sections. DofE Supervisor. Ask your leader Confirm that you want to register the delegate and click 'Yes'. Assessor number Not sure? If the Assessor completes this Assessor's Report card, when they return it to you completed and signed, scan or photograph it and upload it to eDofE, marking it as an 'Assessor's Report'. Find out information about these courses and other training available to support you on the . Cancellation By Participant Cancellations need to be confirmed in writing to the Kirklees DofE Office. it will be sent to your DofE Leader to approve. 9: You must be assessed by an approved accredited Assessor to the DofE; 10: There must be between four and seven people in your team (eight people may be in a team for modes of travel which are tandem); 11: You must be within the qualifying age of the DofE programme level; 12: Participants must be at the same level of assessment; Select your section > Click the 'Change activity' button. For qualifying expeditions requesting assessment through the Network you must send the following to the appropriate Assessor Network Co-ordinator: At least 6 weeks before your expedition: A copy . You may give general support, i.e. 1. - IT literate. Supervisor to complete the section at the base of this page before handing . Complete the EASTC post-course knowledge check (under "My Training" on eDofE) 4. The Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Training Course (EASTC) is an exciting new addition to the DofE Modular Training Framework and will be available from February 2021. The DofE/AAP Manager, or another member of staff with the "Can add and edit assessor accreditations" permission can perform this action. 07 Jun June 7, 2022. dofe application form example. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award Scheme is a programme of activities for young people aged between 14 and 25. An Assessor may be required to meet certification or qualification requirements if their activity is bound by State/Territory or National accreditation requirements relevant for the activity that they are assessing in. - Able to provide inspirational leadership and motivate young people to work together as a team. You can find lots of step-by-step guidance on the new process on the eDofE Help Centre. You can message and communicate with your Leaders and other participants in your group. Silver dofe skills assessors report . comments automatically go to the participant's dofe leader for approval before they are added to the participant's account. Courses are generally based within the Peak District, however I can run them further afield if required, providing travel costs are met. RAW Adventures can provide DofE Supervisors and Accredited Assessors. If you have any questions, ask your DofE leader.What needs to be included in an Assessor's Report?The Assessor's Report must be personal to you. Rina Rana Follow This can be completed either by the DofE Manager or by another Administrator in the LO that has the "Can add and edit assessor accreditations" permission allowed. Assessment must be by an accredited Assessor. This must be done by a DofE Accredited Expedition Assessor with relevant experience of the activity being undertaken. This can be completed either by the DofE Manager or by another Administrator in the LO that has the "Can add and edit assessor accreditations" permission allowed. If they happen to have written something else which fulfils the criteria (see below) e.g. Assessor's report I can confirm that Joe aloggs has been attending Football Training after school since September 2013. A fun time with friends. Some supervisors are also DofE Leaders or Expedition Assessors. It's accessible 24/7, whenever you want to check on your progress or add some evidence. Training, practice and qualifying ventures in Essex and beyond. The role of an Assessor is to check that the group has met the 20 conditions of the Expedition section. When a Trainee Assessor requests accreditation, it first goes to their Primary affiliation for approval. So, this is the minimum they should do for their Bronze Duke of Edinburgh's (DofE) Award or for the first DofE level they take part in. View GREEN_FORM-1.doc from ENGLISH 200 at Harvard University. By: Blonde Two. Each qualifying expedition needs an accredited DofE assessor to attend to assess and make sure the expedition meets the 20 conditions. Confirm that you want to register the delegate and click 'Yes'. At a minimum, an assessor needs to: All Assessors must be knowledgeable and experienced in a participant's chosen activity so they can offer appropriate guidance. Add your new activity details and submit the change for approval - your section status will then be updated to 'Pending Change': 3. . Finding a DofE assessor. For support with staying in touch with and finding assessors during the . Supervisor to complete the section at the base of this page before handing . By alpha phi alpha store near favoriten, vienna Comments Off on dofe application form example . Get in touch with our Support Team on 0300 303 4454 or - The feedback must be personal, usually several short paragraphs and reflect and capture the memorable and major achievement that a DofE expedition represents. Mr Hardman - Leader UKAT. The delegate will be registered to your LO but will need to become accredited and approved before they can start assessing. They do not need an account themselves, just the information stated above. At Bronze, this can be the supervisor, or someone who has trained the group. - An ability to organise and plan effectively. 5. At Essex Outdoors our Danbury centre is perfectly placed to support and run your Bronze Awards whether it is your training, practice or assessment expeditions. 5. of the Assessor's reports. For leaders in Northern Ireland, you can also get direct support from NI Team at You can give this presentation to your Assessor, your Leader, your Expedition Supervisor or another nominated adult. 8. The DofE Bronze award requires candidates to undertake a two day one night expedition. - An ability to communicate with adults and young people, both verbally and in writing. Register and apply to attend an Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Training Course (EASTC) You will need to go to the Opportunity Finder or contact your Regional/Country Office to find a course that you want to attend and apply for it. Great evidence -but not the assessors report! Should you have any . Change Activity: You can change your activity for your section as long as your section hasn't been completed and approved. All expeditions must be supervised by an adult (the Expedition Supervisor) who is able to accept responsibility for the safety of the team. This is necessary for two reasons. Tweet. DofE Centre Manager, Bronze, Silver & Gold Award Assessor. 3. You may decide to help particular groups on a regular basis or you may prefer to help groups on an as-needed basis using our fortnightly emailed list of expeditions needing assistance. Often, an Assessor is someone a participant already knows - a teacher at or outside of school, a volunteer coordinator, a trainer or coach, a community member, or a family friend. A life-changing experience. Speak to your DofE Leader if you have any questions! The Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, now known officially as The DofE, is a well known established award international programme of personal development leading to a prestigious award for those who complete the challenge. 14-24 year-olds can do a DofE programme at one of three progressive levels which, when successfully completed, leads to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Mr N Todd - DofE Leader, Bronze & Silver Award Assessor. We place excellent #TeamRAW staff to work with our DofE groups. Expeditions will usually take place between the end of March and the end of . fully completed. You will receive an email when you have been . . For those Leaders undertaking the role of an Expedition Supervisor within an LO/AAP the ESTC fulfils all of the DofE requirements, with regards to the elements of remote supervision and knowledge of the DofE Expedition section. A requirement of the Volunteering section of the DofE . Mrs Murison - Electives UKAT. Assessor - pitch tent - collect Assessor pack & assessment sheet from basecamp box. To discuss any aspects of training, qualifiers, assessments and CPD for staff, please get in touch with Paul Bolton, Chief DofE Instructor - contact details below. Mr Obadan - Leader UKAT. Confirm that that you have carried out safeguarding, legal and competency checks and click 'Continue'. If you have ever thought about volunteering to work with young people (we can recommend it) and have some applicable skills but don't have the time to organise whole expeditions, you might want to consider the role of DofE Expedition Assessor.An expedition assessor works with DofE teams during their assessed expedition but doesn't have to get involved with training them (in . If you get a hand written assessors report you need to upload it as evidence on your eDofE account. Email: If you . If you are in need of a supervisor for Bronze, Silver or Gold DofE then you have come to the right place! It is best to plan ahead and find someone to be your assessor before you start working on each section. While the International Handbook for Award Leaders suggests that the Assessor makes contact with the group once a day, in New Zealand, due to our environment and terrain, the Assessor should be present with the group throughout the Journey. Your can then choose to reapprove the Assessor, subject to carrying out your own due diligence and taking legal responsibility. At Silver, they can be known to the group but not have had any involvement in their training. LL21C Lowland Leader Assessment 22-23 March 2022 2 days Oxfordshire 120 Oxfordshire Open Award . Who is able to register a DofE Manager as an Accredited Expedition Assessor to their own LO? Assessors must also understand the requirements of the Award Section they are verifying but they do not need to complete specific Award training. An Assessor might directly teach or supervise a participant in their activity, and can also be someone a participant goes to for guidance and to ask questions even . If you book both your training and assessment at the same time it is 250pp. Coordinators setup and manage the DofE in a centre. As an Operating Authority for the Duke of Edinburgh (DofE) Award, we offer opportunities for young people to achieve the award under the supervision of qualified DofE Leaders, either as part of our own Queen . At Bronze level only, the Assessor may also be the Expedition Supervisor. Through a partnership with the Longcraig Scout Centre, we have access to an extensive fleet of kayaks, paddleboards, canoes, sailing dinghies, pulling boats and powerboats, enabling Unit members to develop their boating & paddlesport skills and extend their experience under the supervision of qualified Leaders and Instructors. Your Leaders can view your DofE pictures and approve them easily. All Explorer Scout Young Leaders need to complete Module A within their first three months of becoming a Young Leader, to support them in their role. Faisala Naseeb Follow. Confirmation can be requested through the Kirklees DofE Office or your leaders. [Find out more about the Summer Mountain Leader Award] You can also click the purple 'Support' bubble in eDofE to send a query, email us at edofe . They will need to complete some training through the Expedition . Click the 'Re-register' link. All you need is the participant's eDofE identification number, price level (bronze, silver or gold) and the section for whom you evaluate them (volunteer . They have access to a significant amount of information about the young people in their . St Johns Ambulance has a free resource for schools to help with teaching first aid for DofE. - Listening skills. This must be done by a DofE Accredited Expedition Assessor with relevant experience of the activity being undertaken. Bronze Award. A copy . You'll lead, guide, inspire and encourage young people, agree their programme choices and approve their progress and pictures in eDofE. Supervisor - put team information for basecamp and Assessor (permission forms, route cards, visual routes, menu) in the basecamp folder - pitch tent - Find out who assessing/tracking. Assessor' s report dofe template All you need is the participant ID, the prize level (bronze, silver or gold) and the section for which you rate them (Volunteering, Physical, Skill, Expedition or Residential). They will produce or sign off the relevant Assessor's report for that section, which is uploaded into eDofE. Green Form Completion notes Notification form for expeditions in DofE wild country (Green Form) (updated March 2019) What is the Here's what it can do: It is a web based application; It has a mobile app so you can use it from your phone; The system can have multiple users; It manages information on Dofe Leaders, AAP Instructors, Dofe Participants, Supervisors and Assessors; for example, assessor numbers, qualifications and training, contact details, emergency contact . 3. Young Leaders Module: Introduction to the Expedition Section and Roles; Expedition Assessor and Supervisor Training Course; DofE Assessor Profile; DofE Assessor Directory; A DofE Christmas message; A Christmas message; Silver click and play presentations; Bronze click and play presentations; Young people's mental health and wellbeing The DofE . They will need to complete some training through the Expedition . At the beginning of a section, once it has been approved by your DofE leader, check that the person who you want to be your assessor is happy to assess you. You can request a free certificate once you cover the topics listed. Mr Whitehead - Senior DofE Leader, Assessor and Supervisor CG. An Assessor can assess more than one Participant. You'll need knowledge of the activity they're doing and approve their progress and pictures in eDofE.

can a dofe leader be an assessor and supervisor