which plants benefit from mycorrhizal fungi

Here are a few of the advantages the plant receives from mycorrhizal activity: Increased resistance to drought. This mycorrhizal relationship is the most common, occurring in up to 80% of plants. Mycorrhizas are beneficial fungi growing in association with plant roots, and exist by taking sugars from plants in exchange for moisture and nutrients gathered from the soil by the fungal strands.The mycorrhizas greatly increase the absorptive area of a plant, acting as extensions to the root system. Two types of mycorrhizal fungi exist. Mycorrhizal fungi, also known as mycorrhizae, form beneficial relationships with the roots of your plants. This relationship expands the plants' root systems, increases nutrient and water uptake, and helps to prevent soil-borne diseases from propagating in your soil. In turn, the plant provides nutrients to the mycorrhizae through photosynthesis. en Espaol. Plants form beneficial symbioses with a wide variety of microorganisms. Reduced need for fertilizers. Mycorrhizae fungi can help: Nourish crops with water and nutrients. In exchange, they provide several benefits to the host plant or tree. Mycorrhizal networks (also known as common mycorrhizal networks or CMN) are underground hyphal networks created by mycorrhizal fungi that connect individual plants together and transfer water, carbon, nitrogen, and other nutrients and minerals.. In exchange, they receive the carbon and metabolites The first evidence of this interesting combination of plants and fungi was discovered 400 million years ago. Mycorrhizal fungi are especially beneficial for plants in nutrient-poor soils. 7 Benefits of Mycorrhizae. Approximately 95% of the world's plant species form mycorrhiza and require the association for maximum performance in the field. Planted exactly the same time. Build soil structure. More than 90% of species of trees and plants existing in the world form beneficial associations with mycorrhizal fungi. In their natural environment, plants are part of a rich ecosystem including numerous and diverse microorganisms in the soil. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) constitute a group of root obligate biotrophs that exchange mutual benefits with about 80% of plants. The name is a good description of the mutually beneficial relationship between the two organisms. Build soil structure. Making nutrients plant readyProducing optimised growing conditionsSignificantly improve soil characteristics and qualityIncreasing water availability These 2 symbionts namely mycorrhizal fungi and Rhizobium with leguminous plants establish a tripartite association capable of supplying Nitrogen and Phosphorous content to plants [2]. About 5% of plants benefit from Ectomycorrhizal fungi. It is now possible to re-introduce mycorrhizal fungi to the soil, replenishing and re-vitalizing it in an effective, safe and 100% natural way. Mycorrhizal fungi also receive benefit from symbiosis with the plant. 7. What are mycorrhizal fungi? Here, I report evidence of negative feedback on plant growth through changes in the composition of their mutualistic fungal symbionts, arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. As a result, the interaction between fungus and their hosts differs. Mycorrhizal Fungi. The fungi which commonly form mycorrhizal relationships with plants are ubiquitous in the soil. Boosts phosphate and zinc availability. Research is showing that AM fungi are also very important in N uptake for the plant. A valuable symbiotic relationship exists between beneficial fungi and cannabis plant roots called mycorrhizae. Anything that has a need to be in the ground for extended time will benefit, so woody plants and perennials. Glomalin is a super sticky substance which is produced only by the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, the plant fungi partnering with 90% of plants worldwide. Plant-fungal symbioses are of great importance to agriculture. Fungi are one of the most diverse groups of organisms on Earth both in terms of taxonomic richness and functional diversity (McLaughlin and Spatafora 2014; Hawksworth and Lcking 2017).Certain guilds of fungi deliver essential ecosystem functions or colonise habitats too harsh for most other organisms (Mueller et al. These mycorrhizal fungi are then broken down into different species, which each have different functional benefits for the plant. Mycorrhizae are a collection of many species of symbiotic or beneficial soil-borne fungi that help nourish a host plant. Phytopathogenic fungi, which cause disease in plants as they consume host tissues, are a major threat to global food security. More than 90% of species of trees and plants existing in the world form beneficial associations with mycorrhizal fungi. Answer (1 of 8): Take a look: Mycorrhiza - Wikipedia Since Australia has been burning, the very small amount of topsoil has also been incinerated to the point where all organic materials exist. Yet, Im sure soil fungi will somehow be present to recreate a A mycorrhiza (from the Greek mycos for fungus and riza for roots) is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and the roots of a vascular plant. The development of our internationally patented Inoculum from Ectomycorrhizal Fungi forming Endomycorrhizal Infection with Herbaceous Plants allows virtually all of the world's land plants to benefit from mycorrhizal technology. Benefits of Using Mycorrhizae. A mycorrhiza (from the Greek mycos for fungus and riza for roots) is a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and the roots of a vascular plant. and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Rhizophagus irregularis, Funneliformis geosporum and Claroideoglomus claroideum) on growth, grain yield and crude Endo on the other hand, means within as the fungus penetrates the root of the plant. Mycorrhizas are among the most important biological interkingdom interactions, as they involve ~340,000 land plants and ~50,000 taxa of soil fungi. Types of Mycorrhizae. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of inoculation with a consortium of plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) (Pseudomonas sp., Burkholderia sp. Because Mycorrhizae is the symbiotic relationship between a plant and fungi, its not just the plant that benefits. Due to the mutually beneficial exchanges that occur between mycorrhizal fungi and plant roots (e.g. When the plant is provided with enough water and nutrients, it is able to photosynthesis and produce glucose and sucrosesome of which is made directly accessible to the mycorrhizal fungi. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) form symbiotic relationships with the roots of more than 80% of terrestrial plants (Smith and Read, 2008). Benefits of Mycorrhiza: Enhanced plant efficiency in absorbing water and nutrients from the soil. The only plants that do not benefit from mycorrhizal fungi are most members of the Chenopodiaceae family (such as land squatters, beets, and spinach), and the Cruciferae family (such as mustard and broccoli). 2005; Peay et al. Mycorrhizal plants are often more resistant to diseases, such as those caused by microbial soil-borne pathogens, and are also more resistant to the effects of drought. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi serve as keystone taxa for revegetation on the Tibetan Plateau Taken together, such benefits of AMF in revegetation soil are in support This article is protected by copyright. Mycorrhizae are a collection of many species of symbiotic or beneficial soil-borne fungi that help nourish a host plant. The symbiotic association among plants and microorganisms is known as mycorrhiza. Below is a list of specific plants that benefit from endo mycorrhizae, ecto mycorrhizae, or will not benefit from either. 2016).In particular, There is no doubt that mycorrhizae fungi play an important role in plant growth. They help aggregate the soil which in turn provides plant roots with better access to water and oxygen. Their symbiotic relationship with plants helps them access water and nutrients. It is only natural that companies want to sell these fungi to you. Dont fall for it. Mycorrhizal fungi do not come from one particular group of fungi but include species from different and distantly related groups. The associations between roots and fungi are called mycorrhizae. Dependence of plant response on available soil nutrients-EM plant Benefits of Mycorrhizae. As a result, mycorrhizal plants are often more competitive and better able to tolerate environmental stresses than are non mycorrhizal plants. After colonizing a plant root, mycorrhizae spread out into the surrounding soil. Bennetts team aims to reduce the need for inputs and increase forage production by optimizing plant interactions with symbiotic arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) that colonize plant roots. AMF can increase plant tolerance to low water, salinity, and pathogen resistance, and in turn thrive on plant-derived carbon. Plant cell roots, like those of AMF, are not penetrated by ECM; rather, they are surrounded by it. Protect the plant from drought and other stresses. Lifts calcium levels in plants. The vast majority of plants on our planet some 80% in the wild live in symbiosis with beneficial fungi called mycorrhizal fungi or mycorrhizae. In other words, these fungi form a symbiotic relationship with their host. Turn inorganic phosphate into soluble nutrients your plants can absorb; Support the mycorrhizal and rhizobial symbiosis with plant roots, developing the massive, strong, and vibrant root zone behind every cup-winning garden; Improve your gardens tolerance to abiotic stressors, helping plants build resilience to environmental challenges While some fungal species are detrimental in a marijuana garden, others provide mutual support to the plants. Mycorrhizal fungi are a heterogeneous group of diverse fungal taxa, associated with the roots of over 90% of all plant species. Enhanced water and enhanced nutrient uptake. Ive worked with arbscular mycorrhizal fungi (yep, there are other types of mycorrhizas but this is the most common and useful in agriculture) for close to 25 years in various systems and crops. There are a number of plant species that benefit from endomycorrhizae, sometime just called mycorrhiza. Build soil structure. Protect the plant from drought and other stresses. Ive worked with arbscular mycorrhizal fungi (yep, there are other types of mycorrhizas but this is the most common and useful in agriculture) for close to 25 years in various systems and crops. As a result, mycorrhizal plants are often more competitive and better able to tolerate environmental stresses than are non mycorrhizal plants. In exchange, they provide several benefits to the host plant or tree. This process is 400 million years in evolution, as shown in fossil records. The list is once again searchable, so feel free to look for a particular plant, you can also sort the columns or simply scroll through. Mycorrhizae the ultimate in reciprocal parasitism. Of course, these helpful organisms will give your plants much more than just increased nutrient uptake. If there's a particular plant you're looking for and it isn't on the list, use the contact page or comments and let me know so I can try and find out for you. Some of the commercially important plant groups that benefit from ENDO-mycorrhizal fungi: Acacia Agapanthus Alder (Endo/Ecto) Alfalfa Almond Apple Apricot Artichoke Ash Asparagus Aspen (Endo/Ecto) Avocado Bamboo Banana Barley Basil Bayberry Beans, all Beech Begonia Black Cherry Blackberry Black Locust Blue Gramma Box Elder Boxwood Buckeye Some commercially important plant groups that benefit from ECTOmycorrhizal fungi: Willow. Protect the plant from drought and other stresses. The formation of these networks is context-dependent, and can be influenced by factors such as soil fertility, resource availability, In a mycorrhiza, the fungus lives inside the plant roots, and in the earth. Benefits of Mycorrhizae Fungi. In non-mycorrhizal plants, both strains exhibited a similar growth promoting effect on lettuce. Nourish crops with water and nutrients. There are a few, however, that do not. Methodology: The fungus benefits from the relationship as well. However, the following plants dont benefit from mycorrhizal fungi: Kale ; Broccoli ; Cauliflower ; Beets; Chard; Blueberries; Radish; The fungi wont harm them; they just wont form a relationship with these plants. Research shows that about 400 mycoheterotrophic plant species, such as pteridophytes, angiosperms, and bryophytes depend on mycorrhizal fungi to provide them with carbon. In this regard, what plants use mycorrhizae? Higher transplant success rate. Nicholas A. Barber, and Lindsey L. Gordon. Which Plants Benefit From Mycorrhizal Fungi . The main benefit for the plants is enhanced access to and uptake of orthophosphate, possibly in conjunction with an enhanced desorption rate of adsorbed P (Cardoso and Kuyper, 2006). and have it added to the list. It has been long recognized that some of these microbes, such as mycorrhizal fungi or nitrogen fixing symbiotic bacteria, play important roles in plant performance by improving mineral nutrition. They are considered natural biofertilizers, since they provide the host with water, nutrients, and pathogen protection, in exchange for photosynthetic products. Plant roots are hospitable sites for the fungi to anchor and produce their threads (hyphae). They associate with plant roots; some even burrow into the roots to Experts in the production of endomycorrhizae and ectomycorrhizae. Bioscience, 22, 577-583. In this paper we explore whether arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can help support plant growth in tailings at a reduced compost concentration. It puffs up those roots. Ectomycorrhizal plants: 5% of plantsmainly conifers and oaksmore woody plants. Shrubs and foliage plants except for Rhododendron, Azalea, and Heath; Berries except for blue-berries, cranberries and lingon- berries; Nut trees except pecan, hazelnuts and filberts. Mycorrhizae are a collection of many species of symbiotic or beneficial soil-borne fungi that help nourish a host plant. increased nutrient uptake), studies show that mycorrhizae offers plants the following benefits: Promotes larger plant growth and healthier, deeper dark green foliage. 3.) The fungus life cycle is more complex and longer than bacteria. Growth benefits of Mycorrhizal fungi on plants-average 65-80% plant growth increase-varies for EM among host plant lineages-for AM & EM, depends on matching of plants & fungi. A biointensive, living soil gives your plants the conditions they need to thrive. At least 50% roots-to-soil should make up the sample volume for best results. Mycorrhizae also enable plants to defend against pathogenic fungi and predators. One of the soil plots had mycorrhizae, the other one didn't. Mycorrhiza, a symbiotic association that involves fungi, plant roots, and the soil, is essential for most agricultural crops. Also, what major benefits do plants and mycorrhizal fungi? These microscopic fungi help make soils more fertile and alive. It has also been proposed that mycorrhizal fungi played a key role in bringing aquatic plants to land. Two types of mycorrhizal fungi exist. Various mycorrhizal plants like wheat, marigold, corn, and onion can raise the activity of phosphatase in roots and so organic phosphorus hydrolysis. The fungal hyphae are more efficient than plant roots at absorbing nutrients.. Mycorrhizas are important for plant growth in many ecosystems.At least 80% of all land plant species (and over 90% of Endo and Ecto. Reducing fertility and irrigation requirements. All grape varieties benefit from mycorrhizae. For starters, the hyphae's long grasp allows roots to reach down into deeper soil and will help your plants stay healthy in times of drought. endomycorrhiza) is a type of mycorrhiza in which the symbiont fungus (AM fungi, or AMF) penetrates the cortical cells of the roots of a vascular plant forming arbuscules. Mycorrhizal Fungi Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi facilitate plant uptake of mineral nutrients and draw organic nutrients from the plant. Builds humus. If Some of the commercially important plant groups that benefit from ENDOmycorrhizal fungi: Acacia Agapanthus Alder Alfalfa Almond Apple Apricot Artichoke Ash Asparagus Aspen Avocado Bamboo Banana Barley Basil Bayberry Beans, all Beech Begonia Black Cherry Black Locust Blackberry Blue Gramma Box Elder Boxwood Buckeye Bulbs, all References: Hacskaylo, E. (1972). Studies on mycorrhizae fungi have found that plants with healthy colonies of these fungi were less likely to have disease-causing organisms. Fungi can also increase plants' Endomycorrhizal fungi benefit not only a large number of desert plants, but a majority of the plants in the world (Table 1). Mycorrhizae also offer the host plant increased protection against certain pathogens. To be more specific, mycorrhizae are fungi that have a symbiotic relationship with the roots of many plants. Almost all plants benefit from mycorrhizae colonies. Enhanced ability to absorb nutrients. Yucca. Its evident that molecular changes brought about by mycorrhizal fungi in plant roots raise the ability of plants to convert insoluble organic phosphorus into bioavailable phosphorus forms. These symbiotic microorganisms promote plant nutrition and growth. A mycorrhiza (Greek for fungus roots) is a symbiotic association between a fungus and the roots of a plant.. 6. Organic nutrients are thought to So what it does: here's a plant without mycorrhizae and here's a plant with it. Rosendahl L. Carbon flow into soil and external hyphae from roots of mycorrhizal cucumber plants. Increases Flowering, Production, and Yields. The mycorrhizal fungi, however, do not fix nitrogen themselves. Not only is there nutrient and informational exchange, but the plants benefit from fungi priming, where the initial fungi infection that creates the exchange interface between plant roots and fungi cells force the plant immune systems to increase immunity. In this advantageous interaction, the plant feeds the hungry fungi, which in turn supports plant development. Benefits of Mycorrhizae Fungi. There are several benefits of mycorrhizae to plants: Increase root zone with all of the associated benefits. 2.) Fungi are not as hardy as bacteria, requiring a more constant source of food. Tropical fruit trees are endomycorrhizal. Increased drought resistance and reduction of irrigation requirements. Mycorrhizal fungi are found in almost all types of plants, from trees and shrubs to flowers and vegetables. These symbiotic arrangements have been found in about 90% of all land plants, and have been around for approximately 400 million years. To be more specific, mycorrhizae are fungi that have a symbiotic relationship with the roots of many plants. An arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) (plural mycorrhizae, a.k.a. Over the course of their lifetimes, 90% among all plants form relationships with mycorrhizal fungi of various types. It gives us this what they call mycorrhizal hyphae and I'll look at that in the next slide. Many mycorrhizal fungi are obligately symbiotic and therefore are unable to survive in nature for extended periods of time without their host. They also increase plant tolerance to different environmental stresses. While some fungal species are detrimental in a marijuana garden, others provide mutual support to the plants. This mycorrhizae lives inside the roots. Edible mycorrhizal fungi (EMF) have been consumed since ancestral times by humans either as food, medicine, or for ceremonial use. Ectomycorrhizal Fungi (ECM): This type of mycorrhizal fungus is found in around 5% of plant species, mostly hardwood trees including Pine, Douglas Fir, Birch, Oak, and others. Moreover, these fungi play a major role in soil aggregation process and stimulate microbial activity. Among these, endophytes, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and nitrogen-fixing rhizobia are some of the most studied and well understood symbiotic interactions. Mycorrhizal Fungi. Thus, roots colonized by mycorrhizae enables the plant to be better protected and to resist the stress caused by transplanting, drought and heat, while maintaining an optimal growth rate. For example, mycorrhizal fungi associations have been shown to be costly to plants in early stages of growth but provide long-term benefits to plants in later growth stages (Johnson et al., 1997), as young plants have to invest carbon (photosynthate, lipids, etc.) The very formation of the wood-wide web fungi linking up with multiple plant hosts may only occur because the fungi benefit from having a diverse set of partners from which to obtain carbon. Mycorrhizal fungi live in the soil on the surface of or within plant roots. Benefits of Mycorrhizae Fungi. Nourish crops with water and nutrients. Build soil structure. Protect the plant from drought and other stresses. Mycorrhizae are a collection of many species of symbiotic or beneficial soil-borne fungi that help nourish a host plant. In concert with the host plants roots, the fungi produce very fine threads Mycorrhizal fungi help restore the necessary symbiotic relationship between microbes and root systems. Organic nutrients are thought to The majority of trees, plants, shrubs and edibles can benefit from mycorrhizal fungi, for rhododendrons, azaleas, heathers, cranberries The fungi receives the benefit of excess sugars and nutrients produced by the green algae or cyanobacterium. ; Leads to greater flower and fruit production (more and/or larger). The word mycorrhiza means fungal root. This is an important thing to consider in the rain challenged Bay Area. Mycorrhizal Applications is the industry leader in the research and development of commercial mycorrhizal fungi soil inoculants designed for all industries involving soils, plants, and people. Toggle facets Limit your search Text Availability. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi facilitate plant uptake of mineral nutrients and draw organic nutrients from the plant. Mycorrhizae Benefits in a Cannabis Grow. Endo and Ecto. How To Encourage Mycorrhizal Fungi Ectomycorrhizal fungi, which account for about 3 percent of mycorrhizhae, are more advanced and benefit mainly woody and tree species (Table 2). Mycorrhizal fungi (mycorrhiza) are found in all soil where plants grow. Dr. Michelle Schroeder-Moreno. New Phytol 2010;115:77-83. In this relationship, the fungus helps the plant to find and take up essential nutrients from the soil, while the plant provides the fungus with carbohydrate food sources. About 5% of plants benefit from Ectomycorrhizal fungi. Plants that Benefit from Endo Mycorrhizae Acacia Coral Tree Lily Raphiolepis Acapanthus Corn Locust Raspberry The word mycorrhiza comes from the words myco, meaning fungus, and rhiza, meaning plant. If you have ever carefully cultivated a garden, you know the frustration of getting unattractive/stunted flowers, low yield, and a stunted root system. Mycorrhizal fungi and plants work together in the soil in symbiosis, where both the fungi and the plant interact with and benefit from each other. Mycorrhizae-Compatible Plants. Benefits Provided by Mycorrhizal Fungi for Your Trees and Shrubs. This particular mycorrhizal association began more than 400 million years ago with the first land plants and both partners have coevolved to the present day. Nowadays, they are a non-timber forest product and a diverse genetic resource with great ecological, sociocultural, economic, medicinal, and biotechnological relevance around the world. Shrubs and foliage plants except for Rhododendron, Azalea, and Heath; Berries except for blue-berries, cranberries and lingonberries; Nut trees except pecan, hazelnuts and filberts. Since P is immobile in the soil, plants can greatly benefit from the hyphal network of the fungi to aid in P uptake. This mycorrhizae lives inside the roots. The fungi which commonly form mycorrhizal relationships with plants are ubiquitous in the soil. The mycorrhizal network is what gives plants the most efficient and powerful means to achieve professional grade performance. Tropical fruit trees are endomycorrhizal. There are mainly 2 types of Mycorrhizae on the basis of where the fungi colonize on the plant: Ectomycorrhiza: They form mutual symbiotic association with woody plants like oak, pine, beech.The distinguishing feature of the relationship is the intercellular surface which is known as the Hartig Net. In this advantageous interaction, the plant feeds the hungry fungi, which in turn supports plant development. Mycorrhizae are a collection of many species of symbiotic or beneficial soil-borne fungi that help nourish a host plant. Around 80-90% of plants benefit from mycorrhizal fungi. Most mycorrhizae are found in the top 3 inches of soil, so samples do not need to include soil deeper than this layer. Fungi Benefits from Plants. Types of Mycorrhizae and compatible Plants Endomycorrhizal Plants: 90% of Plants - Mostly Green, Leafy Plants and most Commercially Produced Plants. en Espaol. and Mesorhizobium sp.) A valuable symbiotic relationship exists between beneficial fungi and cannabis plant roots called mycorrhizae. Historically, this relationship was hypothesized to have formed as a result of aquatic plants transitioning to terrestrial systems and accessing nutrients in rock substrates and/or soils. The fungi have a large surface area and help in the transport of mineral nutrients and water to the plants. (Not to be confused with ectomycorrhiza or ericoid mycorrhiza.). Monotropoid- The fungi colonize achlorophyllous plants in Monotropaceae. Glomalin - Super Glue for the Soil and a Carbon Sink. Benefits Provided by Mycorrhizal Fungi for Your Trees and Shrubs. Bringing the nutrients, water, and protection where and when they are needed. Citation in PubAg 282; Full Text 30; Journal. However, the full range of microbes The fungi colonize the root system of a host plant, providing increased water and nutrient absorption capabilities while the plant provides the fungus with carbohydrates formed from photosynthesis. Mycorrhizae fungi can help: Nourish crops with water and nutrients. Improved plant health and stress tolerance. Answer (1 of 2): Plants that live longer than a few weeks. The uptake of inorganic and organic forms of N by the fungi continue to benefit the host plant (Hodge and Storer, 2015). Arbuscular mycorrhizae are characterized by the formation of unique structures, The PGP effect of these rhizobial strains was tested in interaction with two arbuscular-mycorrhizal (AM) fungi: G. mosseae or G. intraradices on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) plants. https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/mycorrhizal-fungi.html The vast majority of plants on our planet some 80% in the wild live in symbiosis with beneficial fungi called mycorrhizal fungi or mycorrhizae. Dr. Michelle Schroeder-Moreno. linked to AM fungi. Over 90% of the control group died while 95% of the seedlings with the mycorrhizal fungi survived. Mycorrhizal fungi allow plants to draw more nutrients and water from the soil. You searched for: Publication Year 2019 Remove constraint Publication Year: 2019 Subject vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae Remove constraint Subject: vesicular arbuscular mycorrhizae. As a result, it has been discovered that plants colonized by mycorrhizal fungi are more resistant to stress and drought. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) contribute predominantly to soil organic matter by creating a sink demand for plant C and distributing to below-ground hyphal biomass. Fungi Perfecti is a family-owned, environmentally friendly company specializing in using mushrooms to improve the health of the planet and its people. In other words, these fungi form a symbiotic relationship with their host. Build soil structure. Abstract. Yam. Protect the plant from drought and other stresses. Endomycorrhizae, or vescular arbuscular mycorrhiza (VAM for short), form symbiotic relationships, sometimes called mutually beneficial relationships, with about 90% of plants. They form large networks of fine filamentous growth throughout the soil. Heres a list of some of the most mycorrhizal benefits. Start Over. Nourish crops with water and nutrients. The mycorrhizae need undisturbed soil to make the hyphae, the mushroom-like roots, underground. Here are a few examples of plants that have responded well to mycorrhizal inoculants (Figures 1, 2 and 3): Urban vegetable crops in soil or trays: onion, garlic, carrots, potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, cucurbits, asparagus, herbs and lettuce.

which plants benefit from mycorrhizal fungi