impact crater lab worksheet

Fill the pan about 2 cm deep with flour, lightly sprinkle the drinking chocolate to cover the entire surface. It is formed by the outwards and upwards compression of the crater walls, not ejecta. theory o galileo's law states the a ball dropped from height "h" will obtain velocity v 2gh, independent of the mass of the ball (g=9.8 m/s2). 1. Make your own series of craters, to observe the "geological" results. This worksheet will guide you through how to download Google Earth, how to navigate to each impact crater, how to measure the diameter of each crater and to put the sizes of these craters into perspective. A city-sized impact crater viewed by NASA's Galileo spacecraft may shed new light on the nature of the enigmatic icy surface of Jupiter's moon Europa. Today, the . Moon Impact Craters Part 1 In this activity, you will create impact craters in plaster of Paris. Impact Craters [1MB PDF file] This activity is part of the Exploring the Moon Educator Guide. The goals of this exercise will be to make several tests of the impact crater hypothesis. activity. The cores and quantitative biology contains an understanding of virtual lab lizard worksheet answer key lab experience practicing science fiction are going to do early branching pattern from your understanding of ordering events by. Measuring impact craters on the Earth. 6. Smaller objects do not burn up or slow down on bodies without atmospheres; hence, they may cause many more small impact craters than on Earth. Leveled worksheets and an answer key are provided. 4. Repeat three times for each rock. Solar System bodies without atmospheres or geological activity have many more visible craters than Earth. Notice that v varies with the square root of h , which means that it varies rather slowly with height. The interior of the crater. There are . On your data chart, write a description of each projectile. Impact crater Lab Some notes about cratering 1 Meteors Updated july 19, 2009 . Drop each rock from the same height. 1. $10.00. Does this seem to be consistent with your results? . What is the most common process affecting the surfaces of planets and their moons? Degraded, incomplete or remnant crater rims that exhibit little relief relative to the sur-rounding materials, a featureless crater floor, and lack impact on life and future exploration of the solar system. Create your own lunar impact craters using simple materials. The lunar highlands on Earth's moon is a good example of a surface that has not changed in over 4 Ga. and as a result has a high density of craters on its surface. Observe the equipment shown in Figure 21.10 and conduct the following experiment: Step 4: One at a time, drop each of the projectiles from heights of 0.5 meter or to the height of your knees, 1.0 meter or to the height of your waist, and 1.5 meters or to the height of your shoulders on the sand in the box and measure the diameter, in . 4. It also illustrates some examples of how erosional or deopositional processes can modify or resurface crustal areas essentially restting the clock of the cratering process. This lab is designed to teach students how we can estimate the age of other planetary surfaces by counting and size-binning impact craters. Most sediments cement together will be another way the virtual volcano lab worksheet. Time: 30-60 minutes (This activity can also be done as a brief demonstration) Recommended age: 9-14 years old . Students simulate crater formation through a lab activity. State the relationship between the size of the crater, size of the projectile and velocity. Also of interest are the dark streaks from two larger craters close to the center of the picture, a pattern similar to the "wind"-streaked craters found on Mars. Impact craters resulting from frequent collisions with . They conduct an experiment in creating their own impact craters, and then determine a relationship between crater size and projectile . A smaller briny reservoir about 120 miles wide sits to the crater's southeast, 12 miles beneath the surface. Find impact crater experiment lesson plans and teaching resources. They are found throughout the Solar System, with a higher concentration between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter, and a likely much larger . Based on the depth of the crater, calculate the acceleration of the ball in the sand, the average force applied, the time to stop, and the impulse the sand applied to the ball. 4. 3. 1) impact of a projectile on the surface and: 2) Collapse of the top of a volcano creating a crater termed caldera. identify various structures caused by the cratering process. Based on the original science of. This exploration guides students through a series of activities to collect data using digital simulations and images, analyze that . This layer will be like the . Objectives Students will: model impact crat er s in the lab . Activity students simulate how impact craters are formed, and how the appearance of a crater depends on the energy of the impacting object. Students will analyze geological evidence from 10 different sites around the world to predict the location of the asteroid impact that caused the mass extinction at the end of the Cretaceous Period. The majority of them are located within the geologically stable In the space below, make graph of the average . Step 2 The volume excavated by the impactor is a half-sphere, so the amount of sand displaced in an impact depends on the diameter of the crater cubed. Add a third layer of cocoa by sprinkling it over the top with a spoon or sifting it for a more even coating. Once you have recorded three trial drops for each of the 3 objects, average the results per rock. Craters are round, bowl-shaped depressions surrounded by a ring, like the one shown below.Impact craters are made when a meteorite crashes into a planet or moon (as opposed to volcanic craters, which are created when a volcano erupts). Impact Crater Lab Date _____ Terrestrial Impact Craters, Second Edition Compiled by . Manipulate the variables of velocity and mass to investigate how these affect the formation of craters. Solar System bodies without atmospheres or geological activity have many more visible craters than Earth. You will then be asked to calculate the kinetic energies involved in some of the impacts which have . The virtual lab can be completed as a class or individually if a computer lab is available. makes craters form different sizes? Asteroids are rocky or metallic bodies that orbit the Sun and are generally smaller than most moons. Find an impact crater that you want to measure the diameter of. Predict what you expect to happen if you drop the red gumball different heights. Have another student record the time in seconds, so that average speed can be determined. Your group will be given an object, such as a steel bearing, super ball. Fill the large pan or tray with an inch or two of flour. Space: Lesson 3, Earth Impact Activity - How Big is That Crater? worksheet, fill in columns 5 and 6 as follows: - Calculate the Kinetic Energy of the impactor using the formula 1/2mv2. 4. Activity Guidelines Page 1 Activity Guidelines for Impact Craters Supplies: - Several boxes filled with flour (flour is covered by a layer of tempura paint). Parts of an impact crater include 1:floor, 2: walls, 3: rim, 4: central peak, 5: ejecta, 6: rays. outline impact craters on this image in red, flow channels in blue, and possible tectonic features (cracks, rifts, collapse valleys . - Calculate the crater diameter to the third power with your calculator. The large crater to the far right near the horizon is Copernicus. Crater 1 unit. Upload your study docs or become a The lab exercises in Part I utilize movies of impact experiments to demonstrate the formation and structure of impact craters. Larger planetary bodies retain their primodial heat longer that smaller bodies. DROP from 100 cm . These measurements reveal information about the physical properties of the planet in the image. 3. Description. This lesson introduces students to the hundreds of impact craters on Earth in a fun global competition. Follow the steps below. Because of these chaotic conditions, impact craters dominate the landforms found on most of the solid-surface bodies in our SS. Impact Crater Lab Date _____ Terrestrial Impact Craters, Second Edition Compiled by . Impact Cratering Lab Part I: Impact Cratering Mechanics & Crater Morphology Part I of this lab introduces the mechanics of crater formation and the morphology of different types of craters. Ensure each group member has a Data chart and a pencil. Activity Guidelines Page 1 Activity Guidelines for Impact Craters Supplies: - Several boxes filled with flour (flour is covered by a layer of tempura paint). Elsewhere in our solar system, however, these processes are muted by one major process impact - cratering. Downloads. 14. Stephanie Erickson Science. Part 3. geology done by astronauts landing on the moon (1969-1972) supports the impact theory. Using the map, find the location of this image on the Moon and note it on the worksheet with a square. 15. Worksheet 2 3. Record your data in the table worksheet. Impact Cratering Lab Part I: Impact Cratering Mechanics & Crater Morphology Part I of this lab introduces the mechanics of crater formation and the morphology of different types of craters. Measure the diameter of the crater, using a paper centimeter ruler. - Calculate the crater diameter to the third power with your calculator. Used this activity? Ensure your group has at least 3 projectiles for SET A and SET B. Activity Crater Ages Crater Experiment Crater Sizes Questions Summary Section 2.2.1 2.3.1 2.4.1 2.5 2.6 Page 6 11 18 20 23 Points 19 16 15 15 35 3. a planetary surface is dead the more impact craters will appear on it. The edge of the crater is typically where the crater rim is the highest. In this lab we are looking ahead to the penultimate topic of this astronomical quarter: the solar system. Spider Crater rests in a depression some 13 by 11 kilometers (8 by 7 miles) across. Step 2 The volume excavated by the impactor is a half-sphere, so the amount of sand displaced in an impact depends on the diameter of the crater cubed. Illustration - Labels. Craters are round, bowl-shaped depressions surrounded by a ring, like the one shown in Figure 1. After impact, measure the depth of the crater. Indicate the abbreviated name of the landform on each student copy of the image. During this lab, students: learn to use the equation writing and graphing capabilities in Microsoft Excel, thendevelop and apply an impact crater depth-diameter relationship in an effort to constrain the depth to a possible water-rich layer beneath one or more portions of the surface of Mars! The material forms long lines pointing directly away from the crater. Measure the diameter of the ping-pong ball. It is becoming the focus of interest for scientists in many fields including physics, geology, and biology. Record your data in the table worksheet. Use this video for the Model Crater LabQ: How do the speed and size of an asteroid affect its impact crater? . You will also determine if you could detect a potential impactor and how much time you would have before it hits the Earth. This will simplify our equation to: R = 2.26x10-3* D1.28 (Equation 1) In our simplified equation, D (diameter of the crater) and R (radius of impactor) will be in units of meters. This is the Copernicus Crater on the Moon. o the kinetic energy of the ball dropped from height "h" will be: k mv2mgh 2 1. o the diameter of a crater "d" Each round hole is the place where a meteorite impacted, or hit, the surface of the moon, so craters are often called impact . NASA analysts said there was no The bright, circular feature at center right has a diameter of about 50 miles (80 . Lab #3. activity. Observe the crater size made by meteoroids (your rock drops) of different sizes. On objects lacking atmospheres and dynamic surface processes, the impacts ranged in size from the minute to the colossal and were well preserved. Preparation. In the second Activity, photographs of the cratered . Students explore for water on Mars using impact crater morphology. Make three craters with each of the three rocks (a total of nine craters for Experiment #1). Thus, only about 160 terrestrial impact craters have been recognized to date. pretation: Impact craters with moderate degree of deg-radation; most crater floors contain deposits emplaced by mass wasting and (or) eolian, volcanic, and fluvial processes. To make a model of the surface of the moon, drop the marbles into the pan, the marbles act as the crashing asteroids and comets. Major mass extinctions, after Raup . Lab 6 - Impacts & Craters ASTR 1010 Name: Overview In this activity you will calculate crater sizes and environmental factors caused by impacts of meteorites. Find the edge of the crater. Objectives Identify various structures caused by the cratering process. Make student copies of the satellite images on transparencies or paper. identify various structures caused by the cratering process. 4. Quest- Impact Craters, A Gravitational Potential Energy Activity by Hellmund Science $4.99 PDF Introduce gravitational potential energy with this incredible impact crater lab activity! Spread about an inch of flour into your cake pan. There is a quantifiable relationship between the dimensions of a crater and the mass, drop height and velocity of the object which made it, when it impacted the surface. Once you have recorded three trial drops for each of the 3 objects, average the results per rock. Once you have found the edge of the crater, use a measuring device to measure the distance from one side of the crater to the other. This activity supports concepts covered in the film The Day the Mesozoic Died. Gps vector data you can refer to use this change up with lemons, ask them how does it has a future! activity on the Moon 14 Asteroid 2011 MD flew past Earth on Monday, June 27th (2011). 6 End of preview. activity) play a role in shaping the landscapes we see. For this Hubble Space Telescope worksheet, students are given a . An Impact Basin is an impact crater that has a rim diameter greater than 185 miles (300 km). Resources: Worksheet, Images, Impact: Earth, comparable nuclear detonation video Terminology: meteor, meteoroid, meteorite, impactor Tutorials: none Background. Thus, only about 160 terrestrial impact craters have been recognized to date. This third possibility was first voiced in the 1960's. Find the mass using the triple beam balance and write the results on the Impact Crater Impact Data table. Take students to the computer lab and hand out the student pages and charts. Impact Craters Digital Lab Exploration (Remote Learning) by. Parts of an impact crater (Let's Talk Science using an image by Tom Wildoner [CC BY-SA 4.0] via Wikimedia Commons ). The centers of some of the craters have bumps, as do many enigmatic craters on the Moon, Mars, and other surfaces. Digging Deeper. Fill empty pizza box with sand, after placing newspaper under it. 2. One section on impact craters illustrates craters on Earth, the Moon and other planets. activity of the Earth (both on and below the surface) has removed the evidence of most impact craters produced by extra-terrestrial meteorites. Hands-on Activity Demonstration Record the crater diameters on the data sheet after each drop. Students investigate meteorite impact craters and analyze evidence for the K/T boundary impact in particular. - Slide projector and several slides dealing with impact cratering - Marbles (these are the impactors) - Sling shot (for high velocity impacts) - Additional dry tempura paint The lab exercises in Part I utilize movies of impact experiments to demonstrate the formation and structure of impact craters. In their search for craters, students will broaden their scientific perspectives to the seven continents, a variety of target rocks, longitude and latitude, diameters, and age in millions of years. The amount of energy produced in this way depends on the mass of the impacting object and the velocity with which it strikes the surface: KE = mv 2 5. In this classroom lab, students make craters themselves and can notice how impacts of different-sized objects at different angles can produce differently shaped craters. When astronauts visit the Moon for future Artemis missions, they will study craters that may contain water molecules and ice. Resources: Worksheet, Images, Impact: Earth, Comparable nuclear detonation video Terminology: Meteor, Meteoroid, Meteorite, Impactor Tutorials: N/A Asteroids. Impact Crater Activity Worksheet. Robert Marcus, H. Jay Melosh & Gareth Collins. The majority of them are located within the geologically stable Add a layer of sprinkles. Impact craters are some of the most abundant geological features on most lunar . No more boring flashcards learning! The prominent large crater just to the left of the photo center is and you are look- ing toward the compass direction of . Lesson 6 Impact Craters Holes in the Ground! DROP from 100 cm . . will have in the lab) the energy will be dissipated as random motions of the surface material - that is stuff will be knocked out in all directions by the impact, leaving a crater with a characteristic profile and circular shape. Google Drive folder. makes craters form different sizes? Drop the ping-pong ball onto the sand from the same height as Part 1. Students explore surface evolution on Terrestrial planets and satellites, learning about the science behind relative and absolute age-dating techniques. Remember, average speed is . Find the size of the asteroid/comet that killed the dinosaurs. Students use two spheres of similar volume with differing masses to determine the relationship that mass and height have on gravitational potential energy. . Simulate a rock impacting the surface, by holding one of the rocks above your head and dropping it into the cake pan. 1. Why or why not? Show all equations, work, and units. Smooth the sand and drop the gumball . Activity 21.7 Impact Cratering Experiment Continued. Moon Impact Craters Lab Procedure: Get together with your group and gather all necessary supplies. Record the results on the Impact Crater Data table. Cover that layer with a dusting of the second, different-colored powder using a sifter. Have students work in groups to complete the exercises. Using the cm ruler find the radius of the object. Record the results on the Impact Crater Data table. (No need to completely cover the flour layer.) Skyler Grable-Gibson 4/22/2014 Craters Overview Evaluate parameters affecting crater formation. Although the Earth's active surface processes quickly destroy the impact record, about 170 terrestrial impact craters have been identified. Gently shake box to even out the sand. This lesson introduces students to the hundreds of impact craters on range in a fun global competition. . - Slide projector and several slides dealing with impact cratering - Marbles (these are the impactors) - Sling shot (for high velocity impacts) - Additional dry tempura paint 6 Figure 1. Impact craters are the dominant landforms on many solid Solar System objects. These processes have led to the rapid removal or burial of Earth's impact structures. This heat causes Testing and studying these craters may help NASA identify areas on the Moon that are rich in water and other resources to determine how to best use those materials while on the lunar surface. Based on the trends that you observed in your data and transferred to your plot, predict the effect on the size of crater should a meteor actually impact the Earth. Group size: Individual or teams of 3-4 . seismic activity would also have been devastating. This is called kinetic energy because it is caused by motion. They are made when a meteorite collides with a planet or a moon. GEAS Project. Two reservoirs of brine, ellipsoids shaped like giant M&M's, appear to sit below the crater. Teacher Activity #2. At closest approach the ~10-meter space rock was only 12,000 kilometers (7,500 miles) above the planet's surface. This false-color image reveals the scar of a past major impact of a comet or small asteroid on Europa's surface. Making Craters with Marbles. Three Differentiated Labs Are Provided To Investigate Impact Craters. The craters are what make our moon look like Swiss cheese. Rays Ejecta tossed out of the crater at high speed. Geological activity can also hide them, for example if the surface is re-covered with lava. Record the diameter, the height of the drop, and any observations from the drop in the table below. By studying all types of craters on Earth and by creating impact craters in experimental laboratories geologists concluded that the Moon's craters are impact in origin. Can we see craters on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune? Thinking skill development: Notice how the marbles make craters in the pan. This is a digital lab exploration as an alternative to the wet lab with marbles and flour. _____ _____ _____ 2. Quickly find that inspire student learning. It is flat in large craters (the marble will be there in this activity). Meteorite craters often have central areas of uplift, and Spider Crater fits this pattern. Rim The raised edge of the crater. These craters have diameters between about 12 and 110 miles (20 and 175 km), and the central uplift is usually one or a few peaks. Geological activity can also hide them, for example if the surface is re-covered with lava. IMPACT CRATERING MECHANICS When a high-speed object strikes a surface, it produces an enormous amount of energy. Activity-based collisional analysis is developed for introductory physics and astronomy laboratory experiments. . Name: Date: Part A: Background Answers will be given during presentation. worksheet, fill in columns 5 and 6 as follows: - Calculate the Kinetic Energy of the impactor using the formula 1/2mv2. Prelab Answer these questions: What factors could affect an impact crater's shape and size? _____ _____ _____ 2. In the space below, make graph of the average . These sections reuse some of the slides from the introduction. In elementary physics we learn that your impact velocity, v, is given by v = p 2 gh where h is the drop height and g is the acceleration due to the Earth's gravity. In this space science lesson, students calculate how much energy is transferred during meteorite impact. Smaller objects do not burn up or slow down on bodies without atmospheres; hence, they may cause many more small impact craters than on Earth. The bigger one, some 260 miles wide, lies 30 miles directly beneath the crater at the base of Ceres's crust. OSTP Director John Holdren visited Room 309 of Banneker High School in Washington, D.C., this morning, part of an infusion of top Administration officials into area schools for National Lab Day, Dr. Holdren met with about 40 high school physics students and participated in a hands-on discovery activity. 2. Just like in your science experiment, the size and shape of the crater depends on how big the meteorite was and how fast it was going when it . Lab-Learning Activity: PLANETARY GEOLOGY. momentum immediately prior to impact with the sand. This hands-on activity requires students to "visit . Recognise the conditions that control the size and appearance of impact craters. Observe the crater size made by meteoroids (your rock drops) of different sizes. manipulate the conditions that control the size and appearance of impact craters. Lesson 10: Impact Craters: A Look at the Past Lesson at a Glance Lesson Overview The countless craters, big and small, that are found on the surfaces . In the space below, make an x-y plot of the average crater diameter versus rock number. Lab 2 Cratering and the Lunar Surface 2.1 Introduction . state the relationships between the size of the crater, size of The remaining three parts are more detailed sections for use with various lessons in the activity guide. 3. Craters with a diameter over 110 miles (175 km) can have more complex, ring-shaped uplifts within the crater. Spider Crater sits in a depression and has a central uplift area characteristic of impact craters, it shows extreme differences in erosion, giving it a unique appearance. How many impact craters are on the Earth? Practice dropping the object into the sand from different heights. With our equation simplified and our reminder about converting units, it's time to calculate impactor sizes! The impact cratering lab exercises you have just completed demonstrate how images of the surface of a planet, or moon, can be used to make detailed measurements. Supplies Needed per student or group: Prepared plaster of Paris OR dry plaster, water and a container Projectiles Tempura paint and sifter (your teacher may substitute a different powdered medium) Meter stick and ruler Data chart Impact Craters [] 1. These processes have led to the rapid removal or burial of Earth's impact structures. In particular, the focus here is the planets nearest to Earth. Lab 2 : Planetary Processes; Impact Crater Counting. 1. Cratering and the Lunar Surface. Look at and evaluate images of craters on other planets/celestial bodies. . This studentdesigned lab focuses on understanding the factors that - play a role in the resulting crater formed after an impact.