warm up for cindy wod

Skill Handstand Push-ups ADV- Handstand walk 325-50ft. The original post described "Cindy" as " Chelsea's " less . Wer: Hannah Wo: Lipperland Wann: 21:15 40 Minuten Intervalle 1:10/20 (teilweise durchgelaufen), 5,4 km Mini-Dehnen ~ 45 Minuten Partner Murph. 9 air squats. Accessory 1. 4:00 pm 4:00 pm. Take a longer time to warm up if the WOD is 5-10 minutes long or if it consists of . 6 Monaten CrossFit Erfahrung! Monday 6-6-22. Class Description Open Gym" heit bei uns das freie Training ohne Anleitung. 10 sumo dimels . It's a . 4 rounds of "Cindy" . 3 Rounds 6 Alt T Push Ups 6 Spider Lunges 6 Prone Plate Retract and Press 6 Pause Hip Bridges. It's CrossFit's equivalent to powerlifting (back squat, bench press, conventional deadlift).. After a warm-up, you get three attempts at each lift to determine your one-rep max, or 1RM for short.. Take 3-5 minutes between attempts and only count successful lifts. Warm Up:Run 80m1 Round 15 Air Squats 15 Sit Ups 10 Burpees Mobility:Hamstring Stretch with Band (laying on floor)Butterfly Front Rack Fixer Manual Tricep Stretch Strength:Hang Squat Cleans 5-5-3-3-1-1-1WOD:AMRAP in 16 min of:10 Power Snatch (125/85#)6 Renegade. CrossFit Games Workout #5: Ranch Loop. WOD prep Prep the movements. Thu 10 Sep. UTrack WOD's. Warm up: 400 m run Lane exercices: Air Squats; Lunges; . CrossFit box websites often have a tab labeled WOD that shows the workouts. 21-15-9 Deadlifts (225/155) Toes-2-Bar. Even if you're proficient with the Cindy workout, slowing down and going back to basics will help you make sure your form is correct and push through any plateaus. Bike or Row 2 Rounds of Cindy Dynamic Stretch WOD: OPERATION OVERLORD June . Gedacht fr Mitglieder mit mind. Warm up with air squats, Australian pull-ups and incline push-ups. 10 merkins. WARM-UP: 5 min. A few of the most important points you need to keep in mind about the Linda WOD include: The Linda Workout of the Day is also called the 3 bars of death because you will perform three separate bar lifts. As many rounds in 20mins. 5 minutes for personal mobility Metcon Metcon (5 Rounds for time) 5 rounds, each for time, rest 2 minutes between rounds: 15/12 cal erg 400m run. Swamp City Fitness - All Day Swamp City WOD Warm-up 60 DU or 120 SU 15m inch. Cindy is a high-rep workout. Team WOD 60 x C & J 60 x Box jump 1200 M row. - Each workout it is a wod Workouts: - Easy workout (free) - Tabata burpee - Cindy - Barbara - Warm up Classic - Hero-X - Static - etc Exercises: - Burpee - Squats - Crunches - Push-Ups - Lunges with jumps - Lunges - etc Workout app - best application for workout of the day The application supports Health app: 450m run. G WOD - MONDAY TEST 18.10.21 - "CINDY" WARM UP. No PM Sessions Friday, No Boot Camp/Team WOD Saturday Sign Up for SugarWOD in the app store. WOD stands for Workout Of the Day - an acronym made popular by the global CrossFit community. . Strength. Post your score in the comments below!Today's workout is ". RESULTS THAT LAST AND A LIFESTYLE YOU ENJOY. Warm-up: 3 rounds of Cindy Work out: Deadlift: 155# x 5 155# x 5 185# x 5 205# x 4 225# x 3 245# x 1 295# x 1 305# x 5 . Bike or Row 2 Rounds of Cindy Dynamic Stretch WOD: OPERATION OVERLORD June . A WOD will specify the exercises, repetition scheme, duration and modality. 50 wall balls . Rest 60s.METCON "Strict Cindy"AMRAP 20:5 Strict Pull-ups10 Push-ups15 Air SquatsEXTRA CREDITKB Windmill: 3 x 6 ea. Here's how I would craft my 15-minute warm up, incorporating all 4 components of a great CrossFit Warm Up: Cardio: Light 400m Run; Movement Prep: 312 air squats, 12kg kettlebell swings, band pull-aparts Warm Up: 3 Rounds NFT "Cindy" 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats---Lift: Bench Press - 8 x 3 Reps @ 70% - EMOM---WOD: On a 3 Min Clock 200 Meter Sprint Max Burpee over Box Jumps - 20/14 L1, 24/20 L2, 30/24 L3 Rest 2 Min, Repeat 5 Times *Goal is to be consistent 85-90% each round to show consistency, DON'T blow yourself out on the first . WOD - 5 Wall balls, 5 Front Squats, Sprints. When an athlete finishes their round of Cindy they will move to the bike and ride. The other 2 athletes will complete 1 round of Cindy while the other rests. 5 pull-ups. The CrossFit Total is both a workout and a way to measure your strength. Admittedly, that might sound a little intimidating. 10 kb snatch (alternating arms) Posted by . Technique & WOD Prep . 5 rounds. You will want to use it to see your progress over the years. 5 hang squat snatch . 2 Rounds 3 Pullups 5 Push-Ups 5 Jumping Air Squats. OPEN GYM or UNILATERAL DB WOD Beetlejuice & Belly Flop. Follow along and get something done in less then 20 minutes. After Party - MedBall Plank Up tabatta. For Time: 800m Run/Row 25 Pull-Ups 50 Push-Ups 75 Air Squats 400m Run/Row 15 Pull-Ups 30 Push-Ups 50 Air Squats 200m Run/Row 5 Pull-Ups C, Cindy's . Warm-up Spend 2 minutes in Z1 Then, 3 rounds of "Cindy" Mobility Quick mobility session based on WOD. WOD & Blog. If you get a score of 20 rounds, you did 600 reps in 20 minutes. WOD - 20 minutes 10 rounds of 1 clean & jerk (you choose the load) 1 round of cindy. Complete a 6 minute AMRAP of:10 Box Jumps10 Walking Lunges20 PVC Pass Throughs4 Inch Worms. Posted by Fifty Barbell at 9:38 PM 9 comments: . STRENGTH: 1 Round Clean Warm-up (3)3 Hang Power Clean (3)3 Front Squat (OTG) (3)3 Squat Clean. Warm-up with WOD specific movements or movements similar to these movements. Warm up - 10 minutes . We also post warm-up suggestions in the Workout of the Day for each of the programs that are tailored to that day's movements. "Cindy" WOD. . WOD. CrossFit Carnivore - Class WOD View Public Whiteboard Warm-up Minute: 0-8 1 Minute Jumping Jacks 2 Rounds 10 Kip Swings 10 BB Hang Cleans 10 BB Front Squats Weightlifting Minute: 12 - 24 Every 1:30 x 8 Pull-ups (8 x 3) Strict Pull up or Ring row Max hold at top 2-5 seconds down Add weight if desired Metcon Minute: 30 - 50 The Chief (AMRAP - Rounds) Max rounds in 3 minutes of: 3 Power . Warm Up - Tabata Sit Ups. Pick a Skill! 6.5.2022 REST DAY Sunday. Monday, 5/2: "Cindy", Run, and DB Burpees Box Step . 10 burpees. On Memorial Day, in honor of all those who gave their lives in serving the country, we perform the workout 'Murph', named Michael Murphy. Friday, 5/6. Getting in a good warm up. Turbo Tots. I'm 60 and I am now getting back into rope climbs (haven't done that since I was in high school.) Warm Up and Prep for 'Murph'. Warm Up - Tabata Sit Ups. Efficient to Run Warm-up. The Thang: Cindy WOD. My "Word Bank" warm-up would need to account for 4 movement patterns. Now available in 3 tracks so you can choose the best one for your goals. APR. 1.2 Push-Ups - For Chest Muscles. Remember that any WOD is preceded and followed by a dynamic warm-up and stretching in the end. CrossFit A, Warm Up B, Split Jerk C, Cindy's Cousin 5 - 4 Minute AMRAPs of 60 seconds rest between AMRAP's Buy In of 200 Meter Run Remaining time complete 5 Push Jerks 115/75 10 Hand Release Push Ups 15 Air Squats . This is the warm-up that was shared in the Journal on the official CrossFit site during the April 2003. 6.4.2022 REST DAY Saturday. 180514 - "All the Evens" Pre Class Mobility: Glute LAX Calf LAX 10 Ankle Sits Warm up: Lateral Drills Barbell Warm up Mobility Skill/Strength: 5-3-1 Back Squat. WOD "Cindy" . As many collective rounds as possible in 24 minutes of: 5 Pull-ups. High Knees; Butt Kicks; Mountain Climbers; WOD "Cindy" 5 pull-ups (scaled by doing ring rows) 10 push-ups; 15 squats; The WOD is supposed to be AMRAP in 20 minutes. 10 goblet squats . 1.4 Share this: CrossFits offer several popular exercise regimes. The goal is to get through the workout of the day as quickly as possible. 1 CrossFit Cindy WOD Tips and Strategy. "Mind Muscle" Full Body CARs Routine Followed by Static Hang x 60 seconds (accumulate if needed) Y's, T's & W's x 5 reps each Handstand Hold x 60 seconds (accumulate if needed) Followed by Two Sets of: Scapular Pull-Ups x 5 Plank Shoulder Taps x 10 Mountain Climbers x 20 Then "Cindy" Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of: 5 . Partners can alternate rounds of Cindy or split the reps in half: 5 pullups partner 1, then 5 pullups partner 2, 10 pushups partner 1, then 10 pushups partner 2 and so on. AMRAP 6. Mighty Mites. Das Open Gym ist fr Fleiarbeit" gedacht, um an individuellen Baustellen zu feilen. . 15. They are squat, running, hinging and pulling. The rep count will pick up where your partner leaves off. Bench Press (25 Minutes) . It's CrossFit's equivalent to powerlifting (back squat, bench press, conventional deadlift).. After a warm-up, you get three attempts at each lift to determine your one-rep max, or 1RM for short.. Take 3-5 minutes between attempts and only count successful lifts. Warm Up: 2mins On Row. 10 sumo dimels . 225 push press, gassed out on 235 1 pood + 5lbs for press Bandy Side Steps 310 2. . Thus, you can easily customize a good WOD for beginners to advanced CrossFitters by adjusting time, weights, or repetition numbers. WARM-UP: Run or Row 800m 2 Rounds of Cindy Dynamic Stretch. If you haven't done Cindy before (or recently), do a test round of the workout about five minutes before 3-2-1 go. After several hours of this WOD, we then mosey back to the parking lot at Sparta and finished up with a dealer's choice Mary. One athlete starts on the bike. There are ways you can scale the workout to make it easier if you . The Annie CrossFit WOD consists of 50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of: Double Unders (Click links for video.The Annie WOD is one of the Crossfit Girl WODs. The workout itself is pretty short - but make sure you take some time to warm up . Cindy WOD 5Pull-Up 10Push-Up 15Squats. 5. "Cindy" WOD. WOD . SugarWOD. 190315. . Blog; Coaches Workout of the Day. Then for push-ups the options are: push-up from the knee, inclined box push-up and bench push-up. Individual core: 50 x sit ups. 2:00 Bike - 30s easy, 30s Mod, 30s Sprint, 30s Recovery . Here's how I would craft my 15-minute warm up, incorporating all 4 components of a great CrossFit Warm Up: Cardio: Light 400m Run; Movement Prep: 312 air squats, 12kg kettlebell swings, band pull-aparts Warm-up with WOD specific movements or movements similar to these movements. The goal is to get through the workout of the day as quickly as possible. Recover . The CrossFit Total . Rhino. Warm up: Jog around campus + suicide run. 10 back squats . WARM-UP: 5 min. Second: perform 3-5 rounds of: Light jog 30 seconds. Posted May 29th, 2020 & filed under Workout of the Day. 50 wall balls . 50 wall balls . EMOM Wednesdays, June 9, 2021. I completed 3 rounds. Barbell Banded Kettlebell press 5-5-5. CrossFit. 3 pull-ups. 1 Round of "Cindy" Notes: Cindy = 5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 air squats . AMRAP. Was nicht im Kurs bentigt wird, kann genutzt werden (Squatpltze, Ruder/Bike Ergometer, etc.) Swamp City WOD Warm-up 50 DU/100 SU :10 hang 5 narrow. Warm Up - 3 Minute AMRAP Soldier Kicks * Bear Crawls. The PAX learned quickly to pace themselves after one of them asked how much time was left and I explained only a minute has passed. 2 push-ups. Short Cindy. 5 rounds. 3 air squats. Does it feel like your fitness results are stuck? WOD. 10 kb snatch (alternating arms) Posted by . CrossFit Blaze - CrossFit Warm-up Pain Free Warmup (No Measure) Run/Row 500m 1. WOD 05/19/2022. WOD 1 (G): "Cindy" The gymnastics WOD was the "Cindy" workout (Kliszczewicz et al., 2014, Kliszczewicz et al., 2015). 11/14/2012 @ 1:33 am. 2019. In the case of "Cindy," we might substitute push-ups for kettlebell swings or hollow rocks. 1 Bike Erg+1 Ski Erg + 1 Row + 1 Air Bike 20 PVC Pass Through 10 Alternate Samson Stretch 10 kB Goblet Cossack Squats 20 Slow Prisoner Good Morning then: 3 Rounds Not For Time 5 Single Kb Suite Case Deadlift x side 10 Alternate Kb Goblet Lunges 15 SIt Ups 20 Double Unders 5 Tabata Rounds. Split up the 1 mile run into 2 x 800m or 4 x 400m. Class Type: Open Gym . The CrossFit Total . Rotations / side 10 DB Rows / side (moderate) 5 Big Kips 15 Air Squats 5 Strict Pull-ups 1:00 Handstand Progressions Strength Weighted [] 6 push-ups. Metcon (Time) Murph Prep - Week 4 800m Run 5 Rounds of Cindy 800m Run 5 Rounds of Cindy. warm-up. 33 rounds. then. CROSSFIT REBELS. . 6 Comments. KEY TAKEAWAYS. Tip #1. . Execution: Pull until your chin is higher than the bar. Then perform a a round of Cindy with pull-ups, push-ups and air squats at 50% effort. 10 goblet squats . 15 squats. 10 back squats . Warm up: 3rds Cindy Str/Skill: bench press 3-3-3 WOD 1000m row 100 push ups 10 power cleans 185/115 Cool down: stretch and roll. Try another WOD! Warm-up 2 Rounds 5 Strict Pull Ups 10 Burpees 15 Jumping Lunges. Go to your emails and look for the MidState email that provides you with a temporary password. Home; Blog; Workout of the Day; May 5, 2022. Happy Monday! WOD. If it's your first time attempting Murph RX, but you are unsure if you can do the required volume, you might want to consider this Murph strategies workout. Cindy Lifts May 14, 2022; Silver Bells May 13, 2022; Sweat equity May 11, 2022; Ramped up May 9, 2022; Dynamic Duo April 29, 2022; Sensational Legs April 14, 2022; AMRAP + FGB April 9, 2022; Butts and Guts #2 March 31, 2022; Wonder Woman's Warm-up March 25, 2022; Front Squat 1.1 March 15, 2022; Dirty HITT March 14, 2022; Heart Stopper March . then. It's free to use! For the pullups, pushups, and squats, 1 partner working at a time then rotate with all reps being a team total. C, Cindy's . . WOD . Rest 30s. WOD: BEFORE YOU KNOW IT. 6.5.2022 REST DAY Sunday. Crossfit has definitely changed my life for the better, along with frozen blueberries with vitamins ground up in a blender. Hang Power Clean x 9 reps. Push Jerk x 6 reps. All three exercises are done using 155 lb barbells (105 lbs for women), are done in a circuit, and repeated for 5 total rounds. WOD Monday April 25 2022 April 24, 2022 by The CrossFit Station Crew. Posted by Fifty Barbell at 9:38 PM 9 comments: . Warm Up To A Deadlift For WOD Toes-2-Bar Technique: Skills & Drills. 450m run. Start with 3 reps and, at every round around the rectangle add 3 . Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) Easy AMRAP x 10minutes: -200 Meter Run or Bike/Erg . The warm-up should not feel like a WOD, but it also shouldn't be so easy that by the end of it you still feel stiff. warm-up. Crossfit has definitely changed my life for the better, along with frozen blueberries with vitamins ground up in a blender. 1.1 Pull-Ups - For Back Muscles. March 31, 2022 . Here's a quick overview on each exercise: #3. CF and Burn WOD "Cindython" 1000m row 5 rounds of "Heavy Cindy" Rest 3:00, x3 1 round of heavy "Cindy" is 3 weighted pull-ups 6 push-ups on DB's (deficit push-ups) 9 DB squats Full Warm up and Workout with timers. A few of the most important points you need to keep in mind about the Linda WOD include: The Linda Workout of the Day is also called the 3 bars of death because you will perform three separate bar lifts. Run along 3-mile course through varying terrain. When performed RX, Cindy is a 20 minute AMRAP - but you can scale this back to 10 minutes and still get an awesome workout. A, Warm Up. Saturday. CrossFit Boiler Room - CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Jazmyn,Jazmyn Warm-up Metcon Cindy (AMRAP - Rounds and Reps) 20-Minute AMRAP of: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Squats. Have you not downloaded SugarWOD yet? Rest 30s. Warm Up. I use the WOD Cindy just about everyday before I go to work. CrossFit. 2022. Open Gym -- Login To Reserve. Despite that, it remains one of the most popular CrossFit WODs. This workout, won by Mat Fraser in the 2020 CrossFit Games is a trail run, but not as you know it. Warm-up. WOD. I use the WOD Cindy just about everyday before I go to work. Squat/Hip Mobility Complex -6 Groiners -6 Frog Jumps to Praying Squat -6 Cossack Squats -6 Lunge w/ Twist over Knee 2.Overhead. WARM UP. Description Zeit fr freies Training - das WOD hat Vorrang fr Equipment, daher bitte proaktive Rcksichtnahme. 10 rounds . CrossFit ATR, CrossFit ATR North - CrossFit View Public Whiteboard Warm-up 15 Scap Push-ups 15 Scap Pull-ups 15 Air Squats 5 Double Push-up Inchworms 15 Banded Face Pulls 10 Banded Low Ext. WOD (mit Anne) -- Login To Reserve. Rest 60s.METCON "Strict Cindy"AMRAP 20:5 Strict Pull-ups10 Push-ups15 Air SquatsEXTRA CREDITKB Windmill: 3 x 6 ea. Monday Madness, April 4, 2022 . Mary is a Crossfit benchmark WOD used to assess an athlete's progress over time. 800m Run. This will help you set your pace (#1 key or getting a good score) and also help you warm-up for the WOD. CFSBK likes to say that the warm-up is the "appetizer" and shouldn't get you full before the main course ahead. Add obstacles for a challenge. Warm-up Warm-up (No Measure) 4 minutes of strict "Cindy" 5 pullup / ring row 10 pushup 15 air squat. http://fitnessgonebad.blogspot.com/ Read more . Rest 2:00- Build to a 1RM.2) Strict Pull-up Warm-up x 2 sets of 3. A WOD is different every day and is designed by the coach in charge of program design. 16. 6.4.2022 REST DAY Saturday. Boot Camp:5:00-6:00pm WOD "Cindy" AMRAP20 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats Accessory Work: 2 min Cumulative L-Sit (parallettes or Box) ev . They've become so popular because they offer quick intensive workout sessions that you can be done within about 20 minutes . Online Programs Login; Call Us: 619.231.3000 . Pre Class Mobility: Glute LAX Ham Box Warm up: Cindy Relay Skill/Strength: Post WOD Rowing Intervals WOD: 3 Rounds for time/20min Cut-off. Open Gym . WOD; Blog; Community; Member Resources; . 5 hang squat snatch . You shouldn't do too many push-ups as a warm-up if you are going to do, for example, the Cindy set of pull-ups, push-ups, and squats in your main workout. The CrossFit Total is both a workout and a way to measure your strength. 1.3 Air Squats - For Lower Body Muscles. . 10 rounds . PERFORMANCE Warm-Up. Partners will alternate 2 minute intervals of one partner working while the other rests. Get your daily CrossFit Workout of the Day (WOD) from the experts at Invictus Fitness. 0:00 - Intro0:08 - Warm Up1:56 - Mobility3:07 - "Time After Time"WARM-UP1 Minute EachActive Samson + Air SquatShoulder TapsLateral SquatsPush-up to Down DogW. WOD: Run a rectangle with 4 exercises along each cornet. CrossFit A, Warm Up B, Split Jerk C, Cindy's Cousin 5 - 4 Minute AMRAPs of 60 seconds rest between AMRAP's Buy In of 200 Meter Run Remaining time complete 5 Push Jerks 115/75 10 Hand Release Push Ups 15 Air Squats . GYM SCHEDULE. B, Split Jerk. At least one of these objectives is present in any WOD and allows them to be flexible. - Each workout it is a wod Workouts: - Easy workout (free) - Tabata burpee - Cindy - Barbara - Warm up Classic - Hero-X - Static - etc Exercises: - Burpee - Squats - Crunches - Push-Ups - Lunges with jumps - Lunges - etc Workout app - best application for workout of the day The application supports Health app: Warm-Up Coach's choice. But while many CrossFit workouts feature heavy-ass barbells, gymnastics movements with Cirque du Soleil vibes, and confusing equipment like the GHD machine, ski ergometer, or sled, Cindy CrossFit workout does not.On the contrary, the popular workout entails doing three simple body-weight movements: the push-up, pull-up, and air squat. -5-10 Hang Muscle Clean -5-10 Strict Press ""Cindy"" Specific Warm-Up 1x: -3 Strict Pull Ups or 6 Ring Row -6 Knee Push Ups -9 Air Squat -3 Kipping Pull Up or 3 Jumping Pull Up -6 Push Ups or 6 Knee Push Ups . WOD . Sign up via email Log in via email. 10 burpees. Ankle Stretch 30s per side 2. Return to the full hang position. 5 Pull-Ups; 10 Push-Ups; 15 Air Squats; 20 Sit-Ups; WOD. There are ways you can scale the workout to make it easier if you . Game - Musical Medicine Ball. . I'm 60 and I am now getting back into rope climbs (haven't done that since I was in high school.) (Compare to 171214, 181204) Warm up: Cardio Dynamic Shoulder/Hips Dry Runs WOD: 20min AMRAP Rx: 5 Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats Scaled: 5 Ring Rows 10 Incline Push-ups 15 Air Squats Sport: 5 C2B Pull-ups 10 Push-ups 15 Air Squats Mobility: Lat Pole Pec Pole Wall Glute WOD Monday April 25 2022 April 24, 2022 by The CrossFit Station Crew. The Crossfit DT workout is composed of three exercises: Deadlift x 12 reps. WOD "Team Biking Cindy " For Time teams of 3 2 athletes work while the other rests. 10 goblet squats . A, Warm Up. Getting in a good warm up. 20 Minutes AMRAP of. WOD: Sit-Up Cindy - 20 min. 10 dumbbell windmill R/L 10 Samson's stretch 10 Squat and reach. "Mini-Cindy" WOD Demo CrossFit. . WOD. Warm up: Before each WOD or the incremental test, a warm-up was performed consisting of 5 min of low intensity running followed by 5 min of joint mobility and dynamic stretching exercises. Cindy WOD Movement Standards. Having said that, I have been thinking that I need to make my warm-up longer, and work up to my WoD sets more - but I have such a narrow window on my lunch breaks when I go to the gym that I have to be faster than I'd like. Warm up 5 min roll 3 rounds of Cindy Wod 50 double unders 50 sit ups 3 rounds for time(15 min cut off) Str-Front squat 10-10-10-10-10 Floor or bench press 15 Squats. Everyone's favourite WOD of the 2012 CrossFit Games Open takes just 7 minutes, and can be done with no equipment. Rest 2:00- Build to a 1RM.2) Strict Pull-up Warm-up x 2 sets of 3. Post Partner, Rx and work completed to comments. Warm Up Routine. #3. 200 m jog 2 rounds of "Cindy" 30 sec HS/wall walk. Strength. I survived less that 7 minutes before I was feeling sick and couldn't do any more. Post WOD Shoulder . To prepare physically for this grueling workout, I put together the following warm up and prep: First (ideally) Walk 5-10 mins. AMRAP 6. Email Jack at TheJackShow01@yahoo.com or send a Text to 808-497-3355. then. Points of Performance: To get a "good rep," ensure the following: - You start the movement in a full hang position with your arms fully extended and feet off the floor. 20 alternating dumbbell . WODCONNECT is the best solution for tracking, coaching and managing functional training.